In-depth view of an eye evaluation
There are quite a lot of different aspects that needs to be kept in mind when an eye evaluation is done. Below follows a brief description of what an extensive evaluation should consist of.
First of all, a case history is done, where the signs and symptoms of your exact eye problem are recorded. We will ask typical questions like: Do you get a lot of headaches? Do you experience eye strain, or pain around the eyes? Do you struggle with blurry vision – either near, far or both? Do your eyes tear a lot? Do your eyes feel scratchy, itchy or uncomfortable in any way? In a case history, we also need a thorough history of your previous eye-related and general health issues, as well as when your last eye examination was, and what treatment was given to you at that stage.
After the case history, the general health of the eye is evaluated. Eye pressures are measured. Opthalmoscopy and fundus photos are taken for evaluation of the lens, retina and vitreous. After that, a slitlamp evaluation is done to evaluate the eye lids, lashes, tear layer and duct, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, and lens.
We then move over to the evaluation of the eye muscles. After that, visual acuity is measured, and then a refraction is done. Different tests are done to evaluate quality of vision, refractive state, strain on eye muscles, and convergence and accommodative ability. Colour vision is also tested.
A diagnosis can now be made, based on the case history, current glasses or treatment you are using, and the result of the eye evaluation. Treatment can be recommended according to the diagnosis.
Treatment may involve different types of glasses, eg single vision, bifocal, multifocals, accommodative support, or office lenses; specific coatings on your glasses, eg antireflective coatings or transtions; sunglasses – either prescription or non-prescription; contact lenses; visual therapy; eye drops or gels; or you may be referred to an eye specialist for further inspection, should it be found necessary.
* 012 548 0131
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